Tuesday, October 8, 2013

God, Give Me Patience! ... AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!

I have an old school Blackberry phone.

Remember those? They were so popular almost seven years ago.
And now... almost dead.

It takes over a century to load Facebook, to Tweet, or to load a video on Youtube.
I have friends all over the United States and want to keep in touch with them over social media using my phone! I am tired of having to go to "Wi-Fi Hotspots" to communicate with them. Furthermore, I can't upgrade my phone until the end of next year!

I need a new phone. And now.

Two weeks ago the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C were introduced on the market.
And one of my missionary brothers decided to upgrade from his iPhone 4S to get the new iPhone 5S the day it went on the market.

When he upgraded...  I was very anxious to try to get his old iPhone 4S.

To my disappointment, he didn't offer me his iPhone 4S.

However, his brother offered his iPhone 4S to me and I was so quick to pick it up.

When I got his old iPhone 4S, I rushed to the nearest Verizon Wireless store to switch phones.

This time, to my disappointment, the manager from Verizon Wireless told me I couldn't make the switch.

I am not the account holder to my Blackberry phone. My grandfather is. He pays the bill so he has the sole authority to switch phones. 

I cannot switch phones!

And where is my grandfather? He's in New Mexico right now visiting our family.

So... I have to wait. And wait. And wait.

How long? I DON'T KNOW.

I have to stand with my Blackberry until he makes his trip back home.

I have to be patient. I'm called to be patient. God calls us to be patient.

James 5: 7-8 - Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. You too must be patient. Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand.

In scripture, James points out to be patient for the next coming of Jesus Christ. I relate this scripture to my scenario in saying I have to be patient for the coming of my iPhone 4S.

It may be days, it may be weeks. But I have to remain patient for my iPhone 4S.


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