Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dear Ladies...

I want to write a letter. A letter from your brother in Christ who loves and cares about who you are.

I hope you do understand how great and awesome all of you are. You have truly inspired me to become the man of God that I'm called to be. When you all hold yourselves to be accountable and "Christ-Like," it calls me to be better man.
All of you deserve a man who will learn to pursue your heart and fight to preserve your dignity.

All of you are an amazing gift, made in the image of God himself.

And I see you are in the middle of a battle... and every Halloween I'm reminded of it. Want to dress up? Your choices are the sexy, slutty, naughty, or raunchy nurse, superhero, or zombie costumes. 
The message is loud and clear: "If you want to have fun and grab attention from everybody, this is what you have to dress like this Halloween."
I know you love having fun with friends on Halloween. I know you all love getting dressed up and looking pretty. But you can still do that without the skimpy costumes. They steal from you all the great dignity you have!
It takes you from the powerful, inspiring, and awesome person that you all are to becoming an object of lust. You all are already beautiful and all of you deserve better. When you show cleavage and legs with skimpy costumes, it is only those parts of your body that are emphasized in your costume. 
It sends the message that the most valuable thing about you are the body parts you're putting on display. Not your personality or the awesome being God has created you into being.
All of you are worth SO much more than just your body! I am outraged that you are being portrayed this way. I will not stand up for this. The message that you have to look sexy on Halloween has a big impact on all of you whether you realize it or not. 
Society has shown you to get dressed up in skimpy outfits and go to parties with alcohol on Halloween... and unfortunately, most of you will subconsciously do. 
I have to ask you all these questions: What kind of man do you want to fight to win your heart? Do you want someone who's only after your body, or someone who is going to respect your dignity?
All of you naturally strive to be great... I know. My prayer is that you will imitate the great women who have fallen before you as saints. They are not boring or "too holy for you to imitate." They have had their out faults and short-comings. Go to for more information on saints and how to live out the faith.
Again, I will be praying for you this Halloween. All the saints will be praying for you. I pray you may continue to be led by the Holy Spirit in good times and in bad. Remember that in all that you do... give glory and honor to God! 
Sincerely, your brother in Christ,

P.S. - Mary the mother of God, Blessed Mother Teresa, St. Monica, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Maria Goretti, and all holy women of God... 



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