Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!

I am absolutely terrified when it comes to Halloween, but at the same time, I love it. I love the "family-time" anyone can share with their loved ones. From taking the kids trick-or-treating, or simply watching old school horror movies with your significant other.

Whatever you do this Halloween, be safe, and have fun. Stay blessed and holy.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dear Ladies...

I want to write a letter. A letter from your brother in Christ who loves and cares about who you are.

I hope you do understand how great and awesome all of you are. You have truly inspired me to become the man of God that I'm called to be. When you all hold yourselves to be accountable and "Christ-Like," it calls me to be better man.
All of you deserve a man who will learn to pursue your heart and fight to preserve your dignity.

All of you are an amazing gift, made in the image of God himself.

And I see you are in the middle of a battle... and every Halloween I'm reminded of it. Want to dress up? Your choices are the sexy, slutty, naughty, or raunchy nurse, superhero, or zombie costumes. 
The message is loud and clear: "If you want to have fun and grab attention from everybody, this is what you have to dress like this Halloween."
I know you love having fun with friends on Halloween. I know you all love getting dressed up and looking pretty. But you can still do that without the skimpy costumes. They steal from you all the great dignity you have!
It takes you from the powerful, inspiring, and awesome person that you all are to becoming an object of lust. You all are already beautiful and all of you deserve better. When you show cleavage and legs with skimpy costumes, it is only those parts of your body that are emphasized in your costume. 
It sends the message that the most valuable thing about you are the body parts you're putting on display. Not your personality or the awesome being God has created you into being.
All of you are worth SO much more than just your body! I am outraged that you are being portrayed this way. I will not stand up for this. The message that you have to look sexy on Halloween has a big impact on all of you whether you realize it or not. 
Society has shown you to get dressed up in skimpy outfits and go to parties with alcohol on Halloween... and unfortunately, most of you will subconsciously do. 
I have to ask you all these questions: What kind of man do you want to fight to win your heart? Do you want someone who's only after your body, or someone who is going to respect your dignity?
All of you naturally strive to be great... I know. My prayer is that you will imitate the great women who have fallen before you as saints. They are not boring or "too holy for you to imitate." They have had their out faults and short-comings. Go to for more information on saints and how to live out the faith.
Again, I will be praying for you this Halloween. All the saints will be praying for you. I pray you may continue to be led by the Holy Spirit in good times and in bad. Remember that in all that you do... give glory and honor to God! 
Sincerely, your brother in Christ,

P.S. - Mary the mother of God, Blessed Mother Teresa, St. Monica, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Maria Goretti, and all holy women of God... 



Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo Dat!

This past week I failed my Communications Research quiz.

I struggled with accepting the fact that I ACTUALLY failed that quiz.
I felt I studied hard. I felt that I aced that quiz when walking out that classroom.

The reality was... I didn't put enough hard work into that quiz.

I overlooked it.

I used the excuse that I had two other projects that were due that same week.

I could've studied over the weekend. Instead of playing Grand Theft Auto IV (yes, even a devout, practicing Catholic plays that stupid game), I should've studied.

But, I didn't.

I finally "studied" two hours before the quiz. And by the way, this shouldn't have been named a "quiz." It really should've been named a midterm. There were about 50 terms and concepts on the study guide. And we had to memorize and comprehend everything on that study guide.

I was overwhelmed.

But, if I had broken up the study guide among the days of the week... the chances are I would've passed.

I didn't make time.

Sometimes, my prayer life is like a quiz. 
I make excuses not to pray. 
Things pile up. But there is always room for anything that is a priority. 

I sometimes don't make time for prayer.

And if we don't make time for prayer. We fail in our walk with Christ.

We will fail into sin. We will cut that relationship with Christ if we don't pray for the strength to overcome temptations and obstacles we face on a daily basis.

And how are we to pray? 

Matthew 6: 5-8: But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you. In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on street corners so that others may see them. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.

If I had took the time to study and prepare myself for that quiz... I most definitely would have passed. If we take the time for prayer to overcome all temptations and obstacles... Christ won't let us down.

The best part is... my professor has given me the opportunity to re-take the same exact quiz.

And when our prayerlife fails... Christ in his never-ending love will welcome us back with open arms (take a look at the cross).

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

God, Give Me Patience! ... AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!

I have an old school Blackberry phone.

Remember those? They were so popular almost seven years ago.
And now... almost dead.

It takes over a century to load Facebook, to Tweet, or to load a video on Youtube.
I have friends all over the United States and want to keep in touch with them over social media using my phone! I am tired of having to go to "Wi-Fi Hotspots" to communicate with them. Furthermore, I can't upgrade my phone until the end of next year!

I need a new phone. And now.

Two weeks ago the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C were introduced on the market.
And one of my missionary brothers decided to upgrade from his iPhone 4S to get the new iPhone 5S the day it went on the market.

When he upgraded...  I was very anxious to try to get his old iPhone 4S.

To my disappointment, he didn't offer me his iPhone 4S.

However, his brother offered his iPhone 4S to me and I was so quick to pick it up.

When I got his old iPhone 4S, I rushed to the nearest Verizon Wireless store to switch phones.

This time, to my disappointment, the manager from Verizon Wireless told me I couldn't make the switch.

I am not the account holder to my Blackberry phone. My grandfather is. He pays the bill so he has the sole authority to switch phones. 

I cannot switch phones!

And where is my grandfather? He's in New Mexico right now visiting our family.

So... I have to wait. And wait. And wait.

How long? I DON'T KNOW.

I have to stand with my Blackberry until he makes his trip back home.

I have to be patient. I'm called to be patient. God calls us to be patient.

James 5: 7-8 - Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. You too must be patient. Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand.

In scripture, James points out to be patient for the next coming of Jesus Christ. I relate this scripture to my scenario in saying I have to be patient for the coming of my iPhone 4S.

It may be days, it may be weeks. But I have to remain patient for my iPhone 4S.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

What is Love?... Baby Don't Hurt Me...

I work at a billion dollar business.
We serve over 66 million people daily.

I work at McDonald's.
I see some of the best, and some of the worst customers.

This past week, I saw my ex-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, who's now her best friend, come through the drive-thru.

Sounds confusing? Well, that's why she's my ex.
When we first started dating I thought it was the best relationship I could ever be a part of.

I thought I was in love.

Everything started to fall apart about two months into the relationship. Not that long right? But, the falling part lasted for another five months.

I struggled to stay with her. Everyday I would beg for her to stay with me. I wanted her love. I felt I needed her love. In reality, I was in a never-ending cycle that I knew I had to get out of.

It came down to the heart-breaking words: "I don't love you anymore, I don't like you anymore."

It should have never come down to that. No human being deserves to hear that. No matter how much they have hurt you, or caused damage to you.

By the grace of God, I got out of the relationship.

Looking back, I'm not proud for the hurt I caused her, because it always isn't one-sided, I did cause her some hurt.

We used each other. In the end, it wasn't love. It was possessive.

Unfortunately, I see many relationship's these days very possessive.
Both parties are using each other for sex, money, power, pleasure, etc.

What ever happened to the true meaning of love?

Love yourself. Don't change because someone doesn't like the way you dress, or the way your hair is when you leave the door. Be yourself. And love yourself.

The true meaning of love... is to love ourselves, the way God loves us.

Want proof?
   John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

 First, we learn to love ourselves, then, we can love others... THE RIGHT WAY.