Thursday, September 26, 2013

Birthday Weekend. #getouttayourmind #shots #notforme

I'm going to turn 21-years-old in less than 24hrs.

The wait is over. It's here, I'm excited.
But for what? To drink?

Well of course to drink! 

^As exciting how most people may be. I am not that excited.

My family has a history of alcoholism.
Five members of my family have died from cyrosis of the liver. So, I'm skeptical.

Yes, I have participated in underage drinking, and yes I've gotten "a little" drunk.
 I'm not the saintliest of people.

Now, let's get this straight:
Drinking [alcohol] isn't a "sin."

Jesus drank. Wedding at Cana (John 2: 1-11); Last Supper (Luke 22)

So if He drank, it must be okay.

However, it becomes a "sin" when one engages in drunkenness.
 (Romans 13:13)

One may be wondering though --> Isn't that the fun part? To get drunk?

Let's define fun.

To get wasted, not knowing what your conscious mind is up to that night at the party, and to only wake up the next day with an excruciating headache and an uncomfortable stomach? This is fun?

Sounds like a nightmare that I don't want to sleep through.

Unfortunately, the worst case (to some people) scenarios happen when engaging in drunkenness (i.e. unprotected sex (leading to pregnancy), violence, drunk driving, and murder.

This is what I don't want to engage in. Not because the Bible says it's wrong; but because I want to wake up the next morning knowing what I did the night before thus having control of my senses to not engage in something I would later regret and all this without horrible pains.

Grant it, I will have a few drinks.
 But, I vouch not to get drunk.

Have a safe, upcoming weekend. 
Stay thirsty my friends (not too thirsty).

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