Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tune out, and Tune in.

One thing I forgot to mention was that I am also a DJ/radio personality for the school I go to. I'm part of KDHR, California State University Dominguez Hills official radio station.

Over this past semester I had a radio show called, "The Beans and Cheen Show!" The show had four hosts, including myself, who commented on issues going on in peoples lives.
We all brought our own perspectives to the show. The show was a place where anyone can come in and vent about whatever life was throwing at you. We've had topics that ranged from cheating lover issues to the struggles of a vampire hunter.Yes, we did have a real vampire hunter.

Many times the show took a controversial turn at times that almost always resulted in playful arguments.
As for music, we had a DJ. So he played all mainstream stuff.

Sounds pretty cool right? Well, it was. It was a great show. It attracted listeners. People tuned in.

But there was something missing?

The presence of God.

It may seem I'm taking it to the extreme that I'm putting that out there like that. Like does really everything have to reflect back to our faith?

Well... YES!

When I came back from missionary work this past summer from Arizona... I was on fire with my faith (don't worry it's still blazing or I wouldn't be doing this blog).

I was on fire so much that I wanted to come back and have a christian-based radio station that talked about the positivity out of life, and how we can relate every action we do, whether it may be good or bad, back to our faith.

Everything we do... must relate back to the very action of faith and prayer.

"The Beans and Cheen Show!" wasn't positive talk. It was negative talk. It discussed things in our life that we're negative and now trying to vent and gossip about it to make us feel better and others.

It was a controversial show! But... isn't that what our aim was?
Unfortunately... yes.

It shouldn't have.

Too many things in our life have negativity already. We, as a society, see negativity every day of our lives. Tune in to your local news. We hear of it every day.

Very rarely we hear of good samaritans or miracle stories. Those stories make it on the news when the news is almost over. Why is that?

I'm tired of hearing negativity. I want to hear the message of hope and positiveness.

We cannot convert the media. It is what it is.
 But we can change how it affects us and how we can affect others.

The last post that I wrote I mentioned that I lost a friend. That friend was one of the co-hosts on the show. He quit the show a couple weeks ago. I took it hard and I don't know why. We both said things that we shouldn't of said to each other and that led up to him telling me he didn't want to be friends anymore.

Wow. It sucked because I looked up to my friend as a brother. He went through things I never went through. So I trusted him with everything that I told him. Every time I was going through something that was like the end of the world for me... He gave me a reality check then and there.

But the show must go on right? Well... it did. One last time. It was a blessing in disguise. Him quitting the show has become a blessing from God. The other two co-hosts had to move on. One got a new job, and the other wanted to look after his family more. So now... I have no excuse to not have a Christian-based radio station.

Every change starts with us.

So instead of having a radio show that will promote negativity... it will promote the loving and awesome power of God.

I have a Christian-based radio station. How awesome is that?

Check it though. I'll tell you what the show will/won't be:
1. It won't be shoving religion down your throat.
2. It will bring up common life obstacles everyone faces, and must conquer in order to move on with their life with the help of a higher power.
3. Love will constantly be promoted. (Because God is love --> 1 John 4:16)
4. Music will not only consist of Christian-based songs, but will also consist of awesome alternative, hip-hop, R&B, pop, vocal, rock, and jazz songs that you've probably never heard of on the radio because it's not mainstream and not what society wants you to listen to. 
5. Music will promotes awareness of love. (See #3)
6. Call in's are accepted at anytime if you want to discuss what's going on with your life. If you need prayers, comfort, or guidance, I'll invoke the Holy Spirit to be actively more present in your life than He already is.

And about the friend who said he's not my friend anymore. Well... we talked everything over over dinner last night.
We both apologized for being jerks to each other.

And that my brothers and sisters, is the loving, and forgiving power of God.

1. Go on to
2 Look for the tab that says "LISTEN/WATCH LIVE."
3. Click on "LISTEN ON-CAMPUS."
4. And tune in every Friday from 1:15pm - 3:15pm (the show time will remain the same until January)

I'm praying for each and every one of you.
Until next time.

Matthew 10: 7-8 -->
As you go, make this proclamation: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.

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